26 February 2008

Picnic on the Esplanade, by Nan Goldin - 1973

O livro da série 55 da Phaidon sobre Nan Goldin alterou a forma como via a fotografia. Esta é a primeira imagens desse livro e a alegria, naturalidade e prazer que pressinto, juntamente com uma pequena história da imagem (num dos momentos mais felizes da sua vida quando vivia com um grupo de 'drag queens') , transformam-na numa das mais marcantes fotografias que vi. Muitas das pessoas da fotografia morreram devido à SIDA ou a problemas com droga.

Do Original
"This photograph, among the first Goldin made in colour, shows many of the features that made her one of the first and foremost exponents of the snapshot aesthetic. This Easter picnic by the river in Boston shows Goldin's 'family' at that time, one of the happiest periods in her life. She was living with a group of drag queens, her heroines, and had already amassed a huge body of black-and-white photographs of them. It shows her lifelong obsession with social rituals and the pleasures of communal life. Over time she would lose many people in this group to AIDS and drug addiction"

Cru, animal, brutal, sincero. Sem julgamentos nem tabus.

Image from http://webs.wichita.edu/

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